Identify opportunities for improvement & share them easily
See something that could be improved? Share it! eKaizen allows you to submit suggestions easily and create new projects. The platform also comes with supporting tools that help you “spread the word” across the organization and encourage employees to take an active part in CI.

Evaluate the idea potential
How do you know if an idea is worth implementing? eKaizen provides you with a set of tools to decide that. Evaluate the idea potential in terms of tangible and intangible benefits, calculate the ROI, identify metrics to be measured. Make sure everyone who needs to be involved in the approval process gives a green light.

Get the improvements done!
eKaizen allows you to create and manage action plans from the evaluation phase to the sharing of success stories. Assign tasks to team members and work together to put great ideas into action. Set up different workflows for different project types including task dependencies.

Create custom dashboards
It’s up to you to decide what data you want to have at hand. Select from a range of widgets and build your own dashboards. Do you need to track savings, ideas per stage, overdue tasks? eKaizen will give you exactly that – and more. It’s also possible to export data in a csv format if you prefer other ways of processing and visualizing them.

Recognize and celebrate success!
Reward employees for great ideas! eKaizen allows you to set up several categories of employee rewards (from financial to gifts). But there’s more – promote the most successful project and most active employees on dashboards in your organization. Celebrate success and inspire other employees to become part of continuous improvement, too!